Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Six Months Birthday

Well, Bryson is officially six months old now. It's hard to believe how much he has grown and changed. Actually he is a miracle baby. He had his six month visit to the doctor this week and now weighs 14lbs and is 25 inches long. He is just barely in the percentiles for a six month old, but is right on track for a four month old and since he was two months early he is doing great. He has started eating baby food and baby cereal and so far has like everything. The challenge is getting it past his tongue. You put it in and he promptly pushes it back out with his tongue. He wants to eat table food, but we keep telling him he needs some teeth first. He is trying to sprout some teeth, drooling like crazy, but so far nothing breaking through. He is almost sitting up by himself, but is still a little wobbly. He is not much interested in crawling, but wants to walk. If you force him to sit down, he arches his back and throws a fit until you stand him up again. Bryson is really a happy baby and all most always has a big smile on his face. He loves to give kisses, but fair warning, they are really juicy ones. Be sure and leave Bryson a birthday comment.


Tina said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY BRYSON! You are so hnadsome....and so sweet! It is hard to believe you are already six months old!!!

Denise Stephenson said...

HAPPY 6 MONTH BIRTHDAY, BRYSON!! This chick really digs you!
Love, Denise

Anonymous said...

Happy 6 month birthday Bryson!!!! I can't believe how much you have grown! I hope I get to see you in person real soon!!! :)
