Monday, June 8, 2009

4 months old!

Well its hard to believe that Bryson is already 4 months old! He is getting so big!  He had his 4 month check up today and he weighs 11 pounds exactly. The doctor said that we can stop giving him his caffeine now and if everything looks good in 2 weeks we will take him off of his heart monitor.  He also said that he can start eating baby food now!  Bryson had to have 4 shots today and he was not happy!  This week Bryson laughed for the first time and had his first stuffy nose, it was a very eventful week!  Ok well thats it for now keep checking in for more updates!

Crying after his shots!

hanging out with Pops



Natalie Lowe said...

so cute!

~Cynthia Griffin~ said...

Wow 4 months and 11 pounds my baby turned 2 months yesterday and she was 12 pounds exactly. I have a big baby. lol
I'm glad that baby bryson is doing better he has come a long way just looking back at your pictures of when he was born is a big difference. I bet your extremely happy. :)