Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bryson Laughing

Today Courtney and Bryson came over so Courtney could use my computer and printer. While we were all in the kitchen, Papi (Hester's puppy that mostly stays with us) started barking. It would startle Bryson and then he would just laugh. It was really cute so I ran and grabbed my video to try and catch it. Of course it's just one of those flip type cameras so the sound quality is not very good and Papi is very loud. To top it off Hester, Courtney and I were laughing at Bryson, but hopefully you can still enjoy it. Nothing sounds sweeter to me than a baby laughing and always brings a smile to my face. It's so awesome to see Bryson turning into a toddler and all the new things he can do. He also can turn over and I took video of that, but need to try to edit it some. It's hard to believe where Bryson started and how great he is doing now. God is good.

Don't forget to turn up your sound volume and leave Bryson a comment.


Anonymous said...

Too Cute! Cheryl

Tina said...

God is so good!

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet! He is precious! Love, Mimi