Monday, March 16, 2009

1 night down!!

Everyone survived the first night. Bryson did good, except I think he already has his nights and days mixed up because he didn't want to go to sleep between 12:00 and 3:00 this morning. Other than that things are going good. Courtney was super mom last night. She was up with him and took care of him like an old pro. Bryson and I are lucky guys to have a great wife and mom!!

We have been talking about what we are going to do when we bring Bryson home, the nurses have told us and we agree that Bryson shouldn't be around a lot of people. For the first few weeks we have decided to only let family come over and see him. It isn't that we don' t want people to see him, we just don't want to chance him getting sick. As far as family goes we only want to have one set of family over at a time. We don't want to over expose him. Hopefully everything will go well and everyone will be able to see him soon. If you have any questions or you want to come over (family that is) call us first, that way we won't have too many people trying to come over at once.thanks for your understanding and continued prayers and support.


Anonymous said...

Chris & Courtney…& Bryson
First congrats - I am so excited about the next step for your sweet family!
I can not wait till Bryson comes home.
You have done the right thing about telling family & friends about visiting.
DO NOT STRESS or FEEL BAD about telling people NOT to VISIT right now. Besides all the germs, illness, and other junk out there you need to get a routine and schedule. This time…goes SO FAST and it is so precious - enjoy being your little family. Put a note on the doorbell that says “do not ring - knock softly”…turn phones off…and just “nest”. I would even put a loving sign on the front door that says “thanks for coming over but unless you were invited…please leave”….seriously!! You do not need the added stress.
When I had John so many people came over, called, or just showed that I was overwhelmed…and looking back – so was he. Just about the time we would get settled for a nap or a feeding the doorbell would ring…or the phone would ring…I would get up and we would be miserable. Don’t get me wrong…I was grateful for visitors but not all at once. I was so scared I was going to offend somebody…I didn’t say anything – which made it worse.
You have a wonderful blog…where we can see the pictures and hear the stories for now. Enjoy this time!!
This is a blessing and I am so happy for both of you.
Semi-Aunt Tina

Anonymous said...

My mom made a really cute sign for my door asking people not to knock because Mom and Babe were bonding. That way only people who were invited would dare ignore the sign. Just keep up with blog until you're ready for the mob of people who love you to hug and kiss you all.

Natalie Lowe said...

I think your plan is a very smart one. Everyone who loves you both and Bryson will understand that he is still very fragile and you guys need to do what is best for him and you. Don't feel bad about that! You are the parents now and YOU get to decide. haha.

Laurie said...

I agree with what everyone else has said. You guys need time to learn to be a family together and don't need all of us intruding until you're ready. We will all see him soon enough :) Love you all and I'm so happy for you!

Linda said...

I agree also. These first few weeks are so important in many ways. He will be ready soon enough for the mobbing by family and friends. Just enjoy your new family time and put those signs on the doors. No one should be offended.