Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First Doctors Visit

Today was Bryson's first doctors visit and it went pretty good. We finally got to weigh him today and he is now up to 5 pounds 12 ounces and is 18 and a half inches long. That means he has gained almost 2 pounds since birth and grown 2 and half inches. He is doing great!!

On a not so good note, his pediatrician wants to increase his caffeine per day because he has had some bradykardias. They have mostly been when he is eating but she wants to make sure that everything is ok. He is also slightly anemic which hopefully he will grow out of.

Things are going good at home. Our sleep is still at a minimum but hopefully that will start changing soon. We still have to wake him up and feed him at night but not quite as often. He has seen all of his grandparents and most of his great grandparents. Some time this week he should get to see two of his great great grandmas!!!! Other than that it is business as usual with Bryson. We are still not going to get him out in crowds for a while, especially with this cold snap coming at the end of this week. But thanks for your continued prayers for us and Bryson. Can't waith for him to meet everyone!!!

Bryson with his Cousins Maddox and Carmen


Linda said...

We need pictures of this growing, miraculous baby! Do I need to bring my camera over??? I really do want to take some photos of him as my first baby photo shoot. So glad to hear he is doing well. God is awesome!

Tina said...

I agree with Leelee...more pictures! HE is so cute! I want to see the feet!!

Devora Chana said...

He is so cute! I can't wait to meet when he is ready for a visit from great-aunt Darla.

Linda said...

Thanks for the pictures. He looks great.