Saturday, March 21, 2009

Doing Great!

Just wanted to do a little update. Chris is out of town on a mini-mission trip for the weekend. Courtney, Chris and Bryson are doing great. He has now been home a couple of days and everyone is being respectful of their visits. There have been a few people a day, but spaced just right so they could start establishing a schedule. Courtney's little cousin that is five just couldn't get over "how so tiny he is, but his fingers are so straight." Today when I took her back home that was the first thing she told her mom about the baby. She also said his hands were so-o-o-o soft. She thought he was pretty cool. As far as I know Bryson has not had any episodes of apnea. He goes to see his pediatrician later this week so maybe there will be an update on weight and length. Bryson still doesn't like to have his clothes changed and that is usually the only time you hear a peep out of him. I told Courtney he sounds like a cat meowing. He's so adorable though.

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