Monday, February 9, 2009

3:30 Update

Well Bryson is doing wonderful. They are continuing to ween him off the oxygen. They have also started to feed him which is great. They feed him every 3 hrs, at 3, 6, 9, and 12 around the clock. Those are the best times for us to go see him because we can change his diaper, take his temperature and all that fun stuff. Courtney is now completely cord free so she can roam around all she wants to, she is getting better pretty quickly too. My mom and step-dad got to see him earlier and Courtney's mom got to see him just a little while ago. That is about it for now, but the nurse said he is doing so good he may not have to stay all the way until his due date, but that may just be me being optimistic so don't quote me on that. His other set of grandparents, my dad and step-mom, should get to see him later today, Courtney said it is neat to have other people be able to see him and I would have to agree. So to wrap it up, Bryson is doing great and God is amazing. Till the next time...

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