Tuesday, February 10, 2009

He Smiled

We went to see Bryson tonight at 9:00. He had a new nurse tonight, she is pretty nice too. She let us hold him for 30 minutes or so which was really great. While Courtney was holding him and talking to him he smiled at her!!! It was clear as day, and extremely cute. Then I got to hold him for a while. He ate a full serving of momma's milk which was good. He stayed awake and looked at us for a long time, he loves the sound of his mom's and my voice. I will update in the morning.

1 comment:

Coffee and Jelly Beans said...

[The Talmud (Niddah 30b) tells us that when a baby is in the womb an angel teaches him/her the entire Torah. However, before the baby leaves the womb and enters the world the angel strikes the baby which causes him/her to forget all that was learned.

The reason for this is that Bible study and finding the will of our Creator is not an easy prospect. If it was not for the fact that we were first given all of the contents of the Torah explicitly, on a silver platter, so to speak, learning it later would be next to impossible.

G-d plants a seed within each human so that we have the ability to learn His will for us. However, the knowledge must remain a seed within us at the moment of birth. We cannot enter this world as full-blown Bible scholars. Our job on earth is to toil in the study of Torah, always seeking G-d's will. We can only achieve this through effort and diligent study.

Because this task is difficult enough, G-d, out of His love for us, gave us the innate ability to accomplish it by allowing us to learn the Torah before birth. In this way, we struggle to refresh our memories, not starting from scratch.]

I love this this Talmudic teaching! Most people don't think that infants actually smile. They say things like, "Oh, it was only gas." or "It was just a reflex."
But my own belief is that the baby's memory of the angel teaching him/her the things of G-d is still very strong and brings joy to his/her heart, thus making a smile come to the precious little one's face. After all, having an angel as a private tutor to teach one about the things of G-d is pretty awesome!

As the child grows older, his/her parents, whose faces he/she now sees so often, take over the teaching - reminding the child of things that he/she once learned from the angel.

Who wouldn't smile about that?!?!

I can't wait to actually see his beautiful smile for myself.

Blessings to you and your family!

Aunt Darla